7·24完结篇 Termination of 724

Sunday, June 26, 2005

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Sunday, April 10, 2005


7·24完结篇® unofficially translated as Termination of 724

Monday, March 21, 2005


7·24完结篇® 终于进入后期制作了!不过这后期制作有别于其它影片的后期制作。这后期制作较为简单,只有剪接,配乐与效果。

Thursday, March 17, 2005


17th March. 拍摄时间由下午两点开始。补拍了一些镜头后,正式完工!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


16th March. 拍摄从下午一点开始。天气很炎热,大家都无法忍受那种气温……太~可怕了!!花了两小时半的时间,终于把今天的拍摄做完了!加上明天的“镜头补拍”,就大功告成了!

Saturday, March 12, 2005


12th March. 今日唯拍摄独幕的片段。一切进行顺利。预料这部短篇将于下星期内完成拍摄。

Saturday, March 05, 2005


5th March.下午一点正与演员们召集在 Upper Concourse ;一点过后,才见到他们。今天的拍摄可谓成功,大家都出席;不过一部分的演员都很懒散!


Wednesday, March 02, 2005


2nd March.用了他们的学会活动时间来排练。应该出席的都到来了。时间是下午两点半至四点半;他们依旧迟到。

Sunday, February 27, 2005


27th Feb.今天的拍摄较为简单,比起那两天的简单了一些。今天只有摄影师和我的到来。开始时,我拍了一些校园的镜头。他到来后,拍摄便开始了。


Saturday, February 26, 2005


26th Feb.抱病去学校与演员见面。通知他们明天将会有一个拍摄。
之后,便去申请明天进入校园。谁知,校长没来,副校长也没来……只有 Pn. Yeoh 在。等待片刻之后,才成功地申请了。好高兴!


Friday, February 25, 2005



20th-25th. 这天起,正是他们考试的时候,而我就生病了……整个星期呆在家中,养病。

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


8th Feb.今天是学校的特假。我向学校申请进入校园拍摄。其他人都迟到,只有高中一的那四位演员。其它的都迟到着近来……真无奈。



Saturday, February 05, 2005


5th Feb.今天乃是《7·24完结篇》的第一天开镜。可谓成功一半,也可谓失败。一位演员与一位摄影师的缺席,使到下午十二点半的拍摄延迟至一点多钟。三点钟,收工。



Friday, February 04, 2005




之后,看见 Mr. Tang Kim Tong ,便去问他,希望他能同意我的请求。……哎……正所谓本性难移,他把责任推给了副校长,Mr. Goay Teck Chong ,所以我便去了他的 office .

以前都没有发现,原来他是个大好人。Mr. Goay 很快的便说:没问题!哈哈!人逢喜事啊~他劝了我几句,要我不要放弃。



Wednesday, February 02, 2005


2nd February.下午两点半与演员们见面。可能是我太准时了,时间一到而我又见不到人,便到处去寻找。之后,他们到了,发现我的不存在,也找我。



Monday, January 31, 2005


31st Jan.于高中二的休息时间,十一点,召见高中二的演员们。非常失败地,只有六个人到来。我顿时感到非一般的绝望……原本我打算在这个星期六、日与下星期一进行拍摄工作,而这个星期三与他们见面给他们一个准备,方便进行拍摄。


Saturday, January 29, 2005


29th Jan. 原本这个一月的最后一个星期六,是《7·24完结篇》开镜的第一天。万事俱备了……虽然不会说很俱备,不过总算是可以开始了,谁知始终还是需要延期……

早上九点半前,在原定的班等待。谁知原来那一班不是我所说的那班——我所谓的那班是一楼最靠近草场的那班,那班是 4 Sci 3 ,不过,大家却误以为是在 4 Sci 4,而那班刚好有团体正在使用着。那就是一场的天意弄人,演员们以为我取消了……



Thursday, January 27, 2005


27th Jan. 原本的试镜,却因为演员们的没时间而没有如愿以偿。要怪也只能怪我没有事先做好打算。真失败!

找到一个成功拍摄短片的老外的Blog: CMS FILM PROJECT


Wednesday, January 26, 2005


26th Jan. 好不愉快的心情,使我不愉快。只觉得现在我的确非一般的累。累或是泪,再也分不清了。只知道说,只要不放弃万事都能成功。现在只知道,坚持不一定会成功……


早上去学校找顾问老师,告诉她我将在这星期六进行拍摄,而明天星期四要申请一班来与演员们进行试镜。她建议我去见Mr. Tan Kim Tong ,等待多时后,他出现了。使用了一些力气与珍贵的时间告诉他后,她要我去找Mr. Tor Peng Chiang ,好了,我就去找他。Mr. Tor 同样使用了我的珍贵的时间告诉我要怎么做。好了,时间被浪费了,到最后,他还是要我去见校长。

说实在,本人因不去见校长,是因为本人晓得校长不会非常空闲等待着我去见他,不过……好了,一个早上的时间被使用去了,我也只好跑去见顾问老师。她建议我使用宏愿广场那儿就好了,要我去见Pn. Yeoh ,告诉她。


我等待校长们开会完毕。见了Pn. Yeoh 后,她同意让我使用宏愿广场。



Monday, January 24, 2005

Short brief with the actors

24th Jan. 使用了下午的时间召见演员们,传达一些讯息:拍摄将在这个星期六开始。



Saturday, January 22, 2005


22nd Jan. 演员缺少,所以我便在这个早上,到学校去向少年团“借”团员当演员。不过,只有七个人愿意演出。之后,到处寻找环保卫队(Kadet Alam Sekitar)的主席。奔奔跑跑,来到了Block B 四楼才找到他们。向他们表明来意后,他们也很愿意帮忙我,“借”出一个女团员。听说那位女团员善于表演。



Wednesday, January 19, 2005


19th Jan. 八点半左右,我就在校长室外等候。等到了大概十点钟左右,校长便叫我进入他的办公室。开心的是,《7·24完结篇》终于可以拍摄了。伤心的是,有一位学生的无知,彻底地让他犯罪。


Monday, January 17, 2005

Modified script

16th Jan 通宵赶完了修改剧本的工作。整夜不眠不休地修改……其实还真不容易。

17th Jan. 凌晨四点多才休息,将近八点又起身,把剧本重抄一遍。到了下午十二点多,快速走到学校去,把剧本交给校长。不过,校长却已经离开去开会了。把剧本留下后,我便离开了。


Saturday, January 15, 2005

Start storyboarding

15th Jan.今天上网找了一些关于 storyboarding 的资料,点击这里这里看看详情。

我也在今天,开始了 storyboarding 的工作。挺累人的……

Friday, January 14, 2005


14th Jan. 在十一点左右就到了学校。从校长那儿拿了剧本与他的评语。带着它们去见Ooi Seok Ngoh老师。她看了校长的留言后,很婉转地叫我放弃。我不断地问她,是否只要我去修改修改剧本,就可以进行了。可是,她却很果断的说,她很忙、没有空! 要我离开……




  1. 爱情部分太露骨,
  2. 主题:想说的、表达的应该更鲜明。
  3. 如果选择的课题如以下,校方会比较容易接受:
a)学业的困扰 或
b)学生生活的压力 或


Thursday, January 13, 2005


13th Jan. Well today has come. I went to the school to see the t'cher, Ooi Seok Ngoh, and she asked me to give the script to the principal to let him read it. The club has no problem about this film. The principal will have me the script back on Friday, that's tomorrow... and ... I have to wait ... again ...

When I got in the his office, he, in solemn, blamed me for letting Thomas Voon in to the school on 27th Dec 05 . I was shortly shock! The damn partner... really make me sick!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Back to the school

10th Jan. Went back to the school to meet the teacher again, with a purpose, try to make the film go more successfully. There, I met the presidents of the club. The t'cher said she'll reply me on Thursday as the club will have a meeting on Wednesday this week. The script seemed so difficult to understand, the t'cher read it and confussed. I did worry if they don't want to help...

The t'cher said that she could not know what's the theme for this story... and for me... also couldn't find an exact theme... I found only some "sub-themes".

Now all I can do is to wait... (again)

Monday, January 03, 2005

Meet the teacher-in-charge

1st Jan. I went back to the school to see the teacher-in-charge of the club. Surprisingly, the t'cher has been changed to Cikgu Ooi Seok Ngoh. We had a talk on my film, but she said she would reply me in no time... so ... I still have to wait ... again.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Seek for help

31st of Dec. Well, today is the last day of the year 2004. And I spent the time seeking for help on my short film.

With the help of Lee Li Peng, the past president of 819 Drama Club, I will be making the film with the drama club members (if they agree to help), and do hope that it can be successfully filmed.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Fifth arrangement.....depressed

27th Dec. The school has been closed and I quikly rushed to see the principal to have permission to get in the school. Eveything I have done to make the arrangement as successful as I could but what did they do to me was just ****!! And I really felt angry about it especially with the d*** Yong-- I waited him for a whole morning and he never appeared!!

The arrangement HAD TO BE CANCELLED !!! What can I say?

I phoned him ,at night, and he just wanted to quit... What can I say is he is just D*** F****ED S***!!!

I've planned to film the 5-minutes film on the 30th of Dec and now it seemed I have to cancel it... Does anyone know my feeling now? Guess no one knows...

Friday, December 24, 2004

Fourth arrangement

24th Dec. Today, I intended to meet the principal with Yong Lig Zhi, but the principal was absent. So we used the time to discuss the 5 minutes film that we are gonna film next Thursday. Unexpectedly, the school will be closed (to prepare for the next year school) and that is the problem we face ... I wonder if we could get in the school to film the 5-minutes and had another arrangement on 27th Dec.


Thursday, December 23, 2004

Third arrangement.....sad

23rd Dec. 《功夫》上映的当儿……我正与导演们筹备着……

This arrangement ... I lost a director--H'ng Zu Yang; while I owned one helper--Thomas Voon Siang Foo.

The presence were Yong Lig Zhi, subsequently with Thomas Voon, then H'ng who came late. It was not as perfect as I thought. I decided to film the 5 minutes film on the 3oth Dec. Everything has to be ready before that day, but they seemed not curious about it ... and H'ng even quit to be a director with a reason: busy.

What can I say?... Ha ha ha ... no words.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Meeting the principal

21st Dec. I came to the school by my own and waited for the principal who made an appointment with me at 10a.m. today. He wanted us to film a piece of video for him to watch first, that means a five-minute film from the film have to be filmed before we start our filming work in the school.

Well, many efforts will be put on it to make it success from today hence.

The next arrangement will be on thursday (23rd of Dec). The presence apparently will be H'ng Zu Yang, Yong Lig Zhi, Tan Liang Hong and me.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Second arrangement

20th December. The story had been built today and passed to the principal. However, the principal was not so satisfied about the story as it was changed from the original--from what we had planned (we normalized the story and made it less confussed); but what we got were those words which saddened us. Zu Yang and I, afterwards, were down. The principal will meet us again tomorrow. Perhaps I am the one who come to the school tomorrow.

Friday, December 03, 2004

the first day of arrangement

3rd Dec. The arrangement was held today at 9.00 a.m. It went on very successfully. The presence were H'ng Zu Yang and Yong Lig Zhi and also me. We discussed on the story and modified it. Yong left at 10.30 a.m. with a reason to sit for a car test. Then, we two discussed the story til 2.00 p.m. in the school.

The crew list : (might be changed)

Director: Ooi Boon Theng ,H'ng Zu Yang

Screenplay: Ooi Boon Theng ,H'ng Zu Yang

Asst. Director: Yong Lig Zhi

: Yong Lig Zhi

Cameraman: Yong Lig Zhi ,Tan Liang Hong ,H'ng Zu Yang ,Ooi Boon Theng ,Ang Chee Guan

Prop and Others: Tan Liang Hong ,Ang Chee Guan

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Start script-writing



The first arrangement will be held on the 3rd of December 04.

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